Welcome to Semita Maps! This is a free service to print high-quality maps. To get the most out of this service, please follow these steps.

How to use Semita Maps

  1. Search for a region using the auto-suggest search bar.
  2. Choose the desired zoom level or change the bearing of the map using the navigation controls. Zoom level can also be controlled with the mouse wheel (or pinch action on touch devices), and the pitch (i.e. tilt) by right clicking and dragging the map (or two finger scroll on touch devices).
  3. Select map size from the drop-down to choose size of map to print. Print quality is at 300dpi. The following sizes are available (paper size - pixels):
    • A1 - 7016x9933
    • A2 - 4960x7016
    • A3 - 3508x4960
    • A4 - 2480x3508
    • A5 - 1748x2480
    • A6 - 1240x1748
  4. Change the font size with the Font Scale slider.
  5. Choose an appropriate style. So far there are 4 to choose from. OSM-Liberty also has a 3d buildings feature! This looks great in built-up regions, particularly when tilting the view-angle.
  6. Choose a language. Languages are only supported if someone has contributed that language to the OSM database. If you'd like to see your language here, then consider becoming an OpenStreetMaps contributor!
  7. Finally, click "Download" to send a request to our servers. For a very large map, it may take some time to render the image, so please be patient!
      Font Scale:

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